European Scientific e-Journal
EU, Czech Republic, Ostrava
Authors' Guide Line for Manuscript Submission
We publish Design Recommendations to help our authors to prepare a scientific manuscript.
  1. The manuscript has to meet to the standards of IMRaD and APA6/7. If you do not meet with the standards, we will help to edit the work.
  2. The manuscript must contain the original text. The share of originality is not less than 70%.
  3. Quantity of the authors is up to 4 researchers.
  4. The file format is Word (2016 or later version).
  5. Margin on all sides is 2.5 cm.
  6. Garamond font family, size 12, line spacing 1.2.
  7. Full author's data in the top of it:
    - name and surname,
    - academic title and academic degree (if any),
    - position,
    - department,
    - faculty,
    - organisation,
    - town and country,
    - active e-mail(-s)
    - ORCID / Semantic Scholar ID / Scopus ID (if any).
  8. The title of the manuscript should be no more than 150 characters.
  9. Abstract is from 750 to 1500 characteristics. There is a brief summary of the relevance of the topic, the object of the study, the purpose and objectives of the study, the main methods used in the study, the main researchers whose works are used, as well as to whom the results of the study described in the article are intended.
  10. Keywords have to include the words of the article text - from 4 to 12 words.
  11. Author's data, title, abstract and keywords have to be copied in English if it is written in other language.
  12. Abbreviations (if any) and their transcription should be printed after the Keywords.
  13. The manuscript text has to include following parts - Introduction, main part divided on several logic paragraphs headed, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
  14. Introduction is from 20 up to 40 lines. There is the relevance of the topic, the object of the study, the purpose and objectives (tasks) of the study, the main methods used in the study, the main researchers whose works are used, as well as to whom the results of the study described in the manuscript are intended.
  15. Every paragraph of the main part has to end by logic conclusion in 5-10 lines beginning from the phrase "Thus,..." or similar.
  16. Conclusion is from 20 to 40 lines. It is necessary to briefly describe the interim results (according to the paragraphs of the manuscript) and summarize the overall results of the study.
  17. It is recommended to include the paragraph of Discussion of 20-30 lines before Conclusion. In the Discussion, it is necessary to put forward the research problem and questions for further discussion of the manuscript's topic.
  18. The References must contain at least 10 sources of information.
  19. If you don't know the APA standard, references have to be formed in alphabetical order and numbered. Then references in the text are numbered in square brackets according to the list after the scientific manuscript text, for example, [2] or [4; 6] or [3:24-25] if two sources are used, or [3:24-25] if the author would like to fix the pages of the reference.
  20. However, if you know the APA standard, then please make links according to this standard.
  21. The tables are numbered separately and placed in the Appendix. The table title after the numbering ("Table 1.") is placed above the table on the left.
  22. The illustrations are numbered separately and placed in the Appendix section. The title of the illustration after the numbering ("Figure 1.") is placed under the illustration in the center.
  23. All numbers of the tables and figures used in the Appendix has to be mentioned in the text in view of example: (Table 1) and (Figure 1).
All manuscripts has to be sent to the email:
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