Tuculart Global Review
EU, Czech Republic, Ostrava

Lebedeva, G.N. (2022). Features of the historical and political development of the Baltic countries in the 1910s. Collection of Scientific Articles on History, Philosophy, and Political Sciences. Tuculart Global Review, 1 (1), 28-42. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.
Лебедева, Г.Н. (2022). Особенности историко-политического развития стран Прибалтики в 1910-х годах. Collection of Scientific Articles on History, Philosophy, and Political Sciences. Tuculart Global Review, 1 (1), 28-42. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (на англ.)

DOI: 10.47451/his2022-05-01 ---------- Author's Certificate


On August 1, 1914, the First World War broke out, and everything changed decisively for the Baltic States, and for Russia, and for the whole world as a whole. At the same time, no one could foresee all the consequences of the war. And at the same time, the Baltic peoples were among the most affected in the 1914-20 wars. The author presents the results of a study of the historical and political development of the Baltic countries in the 1910s. The study analysed the political state of Lithuania at the beginning of the 20th century, identified the features of the period of occupation of Lithuanian lands in 1915-1917, presented statistical data on the emigration process that swept the Baltic States during the period under study, and also determined the contribution of the Latvian and Estonian military to the political transformations of the Russian army and territory of the Russian Empire Historical, comparative, logical, and deductive research methods were used. In the course of scientific research, numerous historical and statistical sources published in Russia and the Baltic countries, as well as the works of famous researchers, were used.


Baltic States, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, World War I, State Duma, Austria-Hungary, Courland, Прибалтика, Литва, Латвия, Эстония, Первая мировая война, Государственная Дума, Австро-Венгрия, Курляндия.

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Mroziuk, T. (2022). Citizen’s propositions towards the future form of government in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1789-1790. Collection of Scientific Articles on History, Philosophy, and Political Sciences. Tuculart Global Review, 1 (1), 15-27. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Polish)
Mroziuk, T. (2022). Obywatelskie propozycje względem przyszłego ustroju politycznego Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów z lat 1789-1790. Collection of Scientific Articles on History, Philosophy, and Political Sciences. Tuculart Global Review, 1 (1), 15-27. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/his2022-04-02 ---------- Author's Certificate


The Sejm, which had been meeting in Warsaw since the autumn of 1788, 7 September 1789 appointed a deputation whose task was to draw up a new state constitution. The resolution called on the nobility to submit their own proposals in this area. The aim of article is to specify and subsequently examine the texts containing these proposals for the reform of the Polish-Lithuanian political system. The texts are very diverse in content and scope. The proposals were divided into those relating to axiology, the sejm, the king, the king’s council and the ruling commission, the administration and the social order. Generally speaking, they represented a republican vision of a state in which the nobility occupies a privileged position. The legislative body of the nobility is the sejm, which consists of the deputies elected in the nobility assemblies. Executive power is exercised by the king, the king’s council, and ruling commissions. The king’s council and commissions are subordinate to the parliament. The King is, as they said at the time, “the father of the fatherland”. There were no reports on the judiciary, as they were not dealt with by the Deputation. The social order relates essentially to two texts, which call for limited reforms in this area. Ideas contained in the texts are specific for mercantilism and physiocratism and for free market economy. The summary indicates which of these proposals were taken into account in the draft form of government prepared and submitted to the Sejm in 1790.


constitution, form of government, reform, king, sejm, The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Deputation for Form of Government, Project for Form of Government, remarks, thoughts, konstytucja, forma rządu, reforma, król, sejm, Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów, Deputacja do Formy Rządów, Projekt do Formy Rządu, uwagi, myśli.

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Alpysbes, M.A., & Aleushinov, F.T. (2022). Description of clan rulers’ relations within the khanate in Northern and Central Kazakhstan in the period from the 18th to the early 20th centuries. Collection of Scientific Articles on History, Philosophy, and Political Sciences. Tuculart Global Review, 1 (1), 51-62. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. (in Russian)
Алпысбес, М.А., Алеушинов, Ф.Т. (2022). Описание родоправительных отношений в рамках ханской власти в Северном и Центральном Казахстане в период XVIII – начале XX веков. Collection of Scientific Articles on History, Philosophy, and Political Sciences. Tuculart Global Review, 1 (1), 51-62. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.

DOI: 10.47451/his2022-04-01 ---------- Author's Certificate 1 ---------- Author's Certificate 2


This article reflects the results of a comparative analysis of historical sources that show the nature and characteristics of clan-ruling relations in Northern and Central Kazakhstan, which were the northern gates of the Kazakh Khanate, in the period from the 18th to the early 20th centuries. This is the period when the annexation of the Middle Zhuz took place by the Russian Empire. Traditional tribal relations of the patriarchal type are still noted in the region, based on classical nomadic animal husbandry as a special way of managing the economy of the Kazakh people. However, there are characteristic changes in tribal relations, expressed in a gradual change of the power of Genghisides. They are being replaced by sultans and volosts more loyal to the tsarist government, many of whom were from the common people. The power of the khans was abolished by the Russian colonial authorities from outside. The institutions of biys and qazis still retain their strength, and the institution of Tarkhanism are developing. The influence of imperial power on the peoples and the system of traditional family relations was constantly growing. The institution of aksakals of Kazakh society continued to retain its functional features until the 1930s. The study of the traditional organization and institution of the ancestral rulers of the aksakals is also associated with the question of Kazakh ethnicity and ethnic identity. Ethnicity, as a specific property of a certain community of people, distinguishing them from others and denoting special and characteristic cultural features, included such particularly significant elements as ethnic self-consciousness, including the idea of a common consanguineous, kinship and ancestral origin, and the historical memory of connection with a certain territory as the dwelling place of their forefathers and ancestors; corporate solidarity, built on the fundamental principles of kinship and property, with legendary family histories and dynastic traditions of the clan and tribe; spiritual values that serve to consolidate and support the interests of the unity of the ethnic corporation cluster. The consolidated ethnic environment of the Kazakh society was especially distinguished by a single common territory, common land use on a communal basis, consanguineous ethnic identity, social, cultural, and economic interconnection. The analysis of the clan structure reveals the importance of ethno-social organization in the formation of a generalized idea of the unity of an ethnic territory through the history of clan organizations, which, in turn, formed the order of communal land tenure and legitimized it.


Northern Kazakhstan, Central Kazakhstan, Kazakhs, clan, zhuz, parent-ruler, maternity relations, khan, sulan, biy, hajjis, tarkhans, imperial power.

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