Improved models and constructs of structural interaction in railway container transportation. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition.
Fomin, O., & Lovska, A. (2022). Improved models and constructs of structural interaction in railway container transportation. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. - 114 p.
DOI: 10.47451/book2022-02-01
ISBN: 978-80-908353-6-8
The development of foreign economic cooperation of Ukraine as a transit country with European and Asian countries requires the introduction of combined transport systems. Today the most promising of them is the container transportation system due to mobility of a container, which can be transported by any transport facility.
As for railway transport, containers are carried by flat cars. And a lack of rolling stock units requires certain adaptation of the existing rail cars to transportation of some classes of freight. Therefore, the operational efficiency of railway transport can be increased at the modernization stage when the updated dynamic loads are taken into consideration in designing of the appropriate flat car constructs. This can further decrease damage in the elements of flat cars and containers, maintenance costs, increase the cost efficiency and compatibility of container transportation, etc.
The purpose of the monograph is to reveal the special aspects of the designed dynamic and computer models and the conceptual solutions intended for better interaction of the constructs of flat cars and containers during combined transportation. The monograph can be used as educational guidelines for graduate and undergraduate students of the related specialties.