Problems of Information Support and Legal Regulation of e-Governance of Ukraine
Kurylo V., Beliakova Y., & Holovii L. (2022). Problems of Information Support and Legal Regulation of e-Governance of Ukraine. Ostrava: Tuculart Edition. - 228 p.
DOI: 10.47451/book2022-08-01
ISBN: 978-80-88474-04-3
The monograph is devoted to the problems of information support and legal regulation of e-governance in Ukraine from the standpoint of Ukraine's European integration intentions and international commitments to achieve by 2030 the Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution of September 25, 2015 № 70/1 at the Summit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (also known as the "Global Goals"), their implementation and adaptation to national development. The monograph considers the theoretical and legal principles of e-governance, a comprehensive analysis of the genesis of legal regulation of the development of e-governance in Ukraine. It is noted that the rapid development and spread of information and communication technologies, their penetration into the public sector are associated with the emergence of such a concept as "e-governance". The monograph is intended for legal scholars, specialists in information and administrative law, civil servants, graduate students and students of law schools and anyone interested in the problems of public administration of modern times.